We are ready

If you read this site you are probably more prepared than the average person for a situation like we are in right now. Covid-19 is no joke. It’s real. It’s dangerous. If you need information check your state website or the CDC’s website found here.

But there are two points I want to make that specifically apply to the EDC community.

First, being ready means that we are obligated to help others. In World War II, knife maker John Ek believed that his preparedness and skill meant he was obligated to help others. Despite starting out as a one-man operation, by the time the war ended he and his employees were making thousands upon thousands of knives for the war effort. Whether it is keeping an eye out for elderly neighbors or being ready to fix a broken door with a Leatherman, this is a good time to show people why being prepared is never a bad thing.

Second, this is also a good time to get outside, away from the city, and into the wilderness. Social distancing is almost required to go on a hike, so by all means (if you feel well) strap on your boots, grab your pack, and social distance yourself from the crowds but not the pine trees.

Everyone be safe, use common sense, and don’t panic. Our grandparents weathered the Depression followed by World War II. Their parents endured the Spanish Flu of 1918 and World War I. Every generation is tested and we succeed because we are prepared, we believe in ourselves and those around us, and because, as Americans, we understand that our precious idea of a country based on freedom, equality, and democracy is always worth a bit of personal sacrifice.

Stay safe. And if you see a beleaguered medical person or a police officer, grab some change and get them a coffee.